This is my world, the palette of Mediterranean flavor that, like a compass, regulates my daily life, respecting my land and what it generously gives.


In Salvatore De Riso’s production there is all the flavor of the Amalfi Coast with its genuine aromas of a centuries-old tradition.

A story of passion

Everything becomes a symbol on the Amalfi Coast: the land rich in citrus, the sea with the most incredible shades of blue and green, the picturesque beaches, the small islands and suggestive white, yellow and pink colored houses close to the marina.

Salvatore De Riso takes inspiration for its art from the uniqueness of these places. Birthplace of Salvatore De Riso, Minori is a small pearl of the Amalfi Coast. The ancient “Rheginna Minor”, with its beautiful Annunziata cave, Santa Trofimena Basilica and remains of a Roman Villa, was the destination of different cultures and civilizations that left indelible traces over the centuries.

S. De Riso, “Dolci in famiglia”, ed. Rizzoli 2009, p.13

“ Con il cofinanziamento dell’Unione Europea, dello Stato Italiano e dalla Regione Campania, nell’ambio del POR Campania FESR 2014-2020” Sal De Riso ha partecipato all’evento “L’artigiano in Fiera” con l’obiettivo di far conoscere le caratteristiche e la qualità dei prodotti offerti e presentare le ultime novità dolciarie. “

Sal De Riso